Autumn Newsletter 2024

Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Hill House


Culzean Castle



Welcome to new members, returning members and our 2025 programme! Your committee have worked hard on your behalf and I hope you will agree that the year ahead has some really interesting events. Sara has followed in Nickie’s footsteps and produced another stunning series of lectures for 2025. Following the success of her Art Deco day, Georgie, has planned two more fascinating study days, and Anna and Wendy are looking forward to increased support for their day trips to Hampton Court Castle (near Ledbury), and Stratford upon Avon later in the year.

The photographs above show a couple of highlights from our excellent trip to Glasgow in September, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Gill is busily organising Valencia for October 2025, so keep your fingers crossed that this will be able to happen in light of the recent tragic flooding. You can find reports of  Glasgow and other events of this year on our website:


Our Society’s Community Arts project for 2024 has been Henley Bank School, Brockworth. They very much appreciated our £1000 donation which has been used toward a new sound system in their Music  and Drama Department. Look out for news of next years project, which is in the planning stage.


We were saddened to hear the news of the death of Sylia Coppen-Gardner, our past president. Sylvia played a significant role in our Society from the very beginning, and she will be greatly missed. The Arts Society will be represented at her funeral on November 18th at Gloucester Cathedral.


Lis Holmes, Chairman.


Christmas Newsletter 2024
